Walk For Lupus Now


Walk For Lupus Now 2012

May 19th 2012

I raised $2,202.02

My team altogether raised $2,756.72

thank you all the people who donated to me an all my wonderful team members!

Pictures From 
Walk For Lupus Now 
May 21st 2011
I raised $1,139.00!!!
My team altogether raised $1,387.00!!
Next year join my team called 
"Alyssamarie In Memory Of My Dad, John Q."


Me, my twin brother and sister, are showing off our shirts that I made with my mom's help! The medal over my shoulder is the medal I received for raising over $1,000. And, this was my first time participating in the Lupus walk! 

Each of the pictures on the shirts has us and our dad, shown on Brianna and John's shirts. On the back of the shirts it has a picture of our dad. 

Left To Right

Brianna (my sister), Alyssamarie (Me) and John (my brother)



Left To Right


Brianna (My sister)


John (my brother)

I made the metallic butterflies that Devin and John are holding from cardboard boxes, tin foil, foam plates, poles from pin wheels, sharpies, and a whole lot of glue!


Where's WALDO? 

OOOPS, I meant, Where's Alyssamarie?

Can you find me in this crowd on the stage?

Everyone who is up there is being recognized for raising $1,000 or more!


At the Finish line!

Left to right ~ My Team - Thank you all for making my 1st walk such a big SUCCESS and honor to my dad, who passed from LUPUS complications.

Crystal, Cameron (in stroller), and Aunt Mimi, Matthew, Devin, Brianna(my sister), Alyssamarie(Me),John (my brother) and my Mom (Maria)


Almost at the finish line!!

Left To Right

My Mom (Maria), Brianna (my sister), Alyssamarie (Me), John(my brother), Devin, Matthew

I made the metallic butterflies that Brianna, John, Devin, Matthew, and I are holding. The sign that my mom is holding says the team name, each team is given their team sign at check in.


Left to Right 

Brianna (My sister) backwards and Alyssamarie (Me)

Here on this picture Brianna and I went up on the stage for a T-Shirt contest, anyone who made their own team T-Shirt went up, you are suposed to send one representive, but we wanted people to be able to see the front and back so Brianna and I alternated on who was towards the audience and who had their back to them, in this you can see most of the pictures on my T-Shirt, the pictures on each T-Shirt were different. Only my siblings and my mom had pictures of us with our dad because the others who were on the team were friends and they never had the privelage to meet my dad but they came to soupport my mission! 

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